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Become Silent to Release Manifesting Resistance

Posted By Noctis Enoch On September 18, 2008 @ 11:11 am In Uncategorized | Comments Disabled

Many people feel something that’s quite different from desire when they use the word desire. Desire often feels like yearning for them. Because while they are focused on something they want to experience or have, they are equally aware of its absence. So while they are using the word desire, they are offering a vibration of lack. They come to think that the feeling of desire is like wanting something that they do not have. But there’s no feeling of lack in pure desire. The feeling of pure desire is always delicious.

Many people desires things that they do not have fully yet, and may have desired them for a long period of time. So they think about the thing they desire, and then they think about not having it. In time, they come to believe that the way they feel as they think about what they want and not having it but cannot figure out how to get it is the way desire feels. This isn’t the state of pure desire but the state of resisted desire. Their vibration is often more about the absence or lack of the thing than the desire itself.

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URL to article: http://www.mindreality.com/become-silent-to-release-manifesting-resistance