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Clear and Forceful Thought for Manifestation

Posted By Noctis Enoch On August 16, 2008 @ 12:46 pm In Uncategorized | Comments Disabled

Desire must be impressed upon the subconscious before it can be manifested. Desire that is merely conscious seldom gets you anything. It’s like daydreams that pass through your mind. Your desire must be visualized, must be persisted in, must be concentrated upon, and must be impressed upon your subconscious mind. The key is persistent concentration. You think upon your desire continually from time to time with singleness of intent. This channels the required energy for it to manifest into reality.

Don’t plant the seed of your desire in your subconscious mind and then go out the next morning and tear it up with doubts and fears. Nourish it by holding in thought the thing you desire, by believing in it, visualizing it, seeing it as an accomplished fact. Many people do their reality creating in one moment and then proceed to undo it in all other moments that they live. Reality creating is not a one time thing, but an all time thing. It is like winning. You do not win one time, but you seek to win ongoing victory.

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