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How to Overcome Deep rooted Beliefs

Posted By Noctis Enoch On May 6, 2006 @ 1:03 pm In Uncategorized | Comments Disabled

There are times when faced with a focused problem involving two contradicting believes, despite your efforts to eliminate the negative one, you can’t seem to succeed because there is a sense of ‘wrongness’ to question the justification of that belief.
You understand that to move on you must overcome it but you can’t seem to do so because it has always been in your experience of reality. You try focusing on the positive belief only but at the mean time the negative emerges into your awareness too. So how to remove such a deep-rooted belief?
The presence of conflicting beliefs doesn’t necessarily stop you from achieving success. In the event of conflicting beliefs, the stronger ones will always override the weaker ones. It is your dominant beliefs that have the true authority over your reality creation.
You may not be able to get rid of the negative beliefs completely immediately and you don’t have to. Change happens over time. What matters is which are the thoughts you hold in your mind more consistently than the rest. Ultimately it is all a matter of focus.

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