Overcome Big Obstacles that Appear Near Success
Are there times when it almost seems like you are finally going to reach your goal, but then something shows up in the way and puts it out of reach once again or makes you feel that you are never going to get it? The truth is you are never closer to your dreams than when you are facing a big obstacle that threatens to push you further away than ever before. The reason why that obstacle shows up is because you are just about to grasp what you really want at last.
Just when you thought that the way is finally open for you, just when you thought you are finally getting your breakthrough. Then what you experience next causes you to be disappointed once again. Because the results that got is far less than what you expected. Or things might even appear worse in some ways than before. It can put you into such distress and frustration because you don’t know what else to do to make it work.
The reason why darkness appear, is to allow you to experience the light even more. You can’t feel like light when you are surrounded by light. The time you never felt more like light is when you are in the midst of darkness. Opposites make each other. Light and darkness define each other. Success and failure define each other. You can never fully know something without knowing its opposite.
Whenever you create a dream, the universe will bring in opposing circumstances, not to deter you from achieving the dream, but to allow you to experience the fullness of that dream. If you set a goal to be abundant, you may start experiencing situations of lack. This is so that you will be able to experience what abundance really means, and to show the world that you really can make it into being abundant even against the appearance of lack.
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