2006 February

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Conflicting Beliefs may Not Stop you from Success

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Have you ever wondered why two people seem to say the same things, have similar beliefs and ways of seeing things but one fails while the other succeeds? What is happening here? What enables a person to truly achieve something that he desires?

Here’s the insight – it is about having a strong set of coherent beliefs (beliefs that support one another) that override all other beliefs.

The successful person has that, while the unsuccessful one does not. They both have similar beliefs but they don’t have exactly all the same beliefs as each other. It is not possible and it isn’t necessary either. What matters is that they both have the key set of beliefs that relates to the successful or unsuccessful achievement of the goal in focus.

You see, everyone has an entire collection of beliefs present in their psyche, but when it comes to achieving a certain goal, only a key set of those beliefs will determine its success. The key set of beliefs required for the successful achievement of a certain goal might be different from the key set of beliefs required for a different goal.

So when we talk about the same goal that two different people want to achieve, they both need to have the same set of beliefs that are coherent and stronger than other conflicting beliefs. Otherwise one will fail while the other succeeds.

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