Affecting Probable Outcomes with Your Mind
The true nature of time is that it is multidimensional. There are not one but many lanes of time running ahead from the present into the future. All future events are probable and you can affect which probable event manifests with your mind. To do so, you only need to concentrate on the desired outcome of an event. Your mental energy would act to skew the probability of that event happening. This follows the principle of reality being altered to match expectation. By simply concentrating, you can create reality.
In quantum theory, any system may be described in terms a wave-function which is made up of a complex superposition of waves, the squared amplitude of each being related to the probability of an individual event occurring. The complete wave-function describes all possible outcomes of that system. Thus the wave-function of a coin-toss will describe the outcomes of heads or tails, with the amplitude of each being equal to the square-root of the fifty percent probability of either turning out as a head or a tail.
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