Create Subconscious Wealth Impressions In life
Your inner world creates your outer world, but what you perceive in your outer world also reinforces your inner world. You can make your outer world a lot more supportive in reinforcing what you desire in your inner world, so that it will create more of what you wish to experience in your outer world. If you order your outer world with signs and impressions of wealth, you’ll reinforce wealth consciousness in your inner world. Your work of reality creation is most effective when your inner and outer world are aligned.
The difference between the rich and the poor is not in how much money they have, but in the way they talk, the way they act and the way they think. The way you think is what you create in your inner world. The way you talk and act is what you express in your outer world. If you want to be fully wealthy, you must be fully congruent in your thoughts, speech and actions. Half congruence results in half wealth. Poor people communicate lack in every way while rich people communicate abundance in every way.
Your actions either create subconscious impressions of wealth or poverty. By choosing to buy the best and quality products for yourself, you are saying that you are worth it, that you are the best. Your subconscious mind will pick up these impressions from your actions and create conditions in your life that resonate with that state of mind. To manifest wealth, you must begin with living as though you are already wealthy. It doesn’t mean you overspend, but you simply spend in a way that makes you truly happy.
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