Full Alignment - Having Faith in Universal Laws
Have faith in universal laws. It might seem as though a law does not require us to have faith in it, but only to have knowledge about it. But the faith we put into the law is not for the law, but it is for ourselves. Having faith in something puts us in a state of confidence. That state does not come about by pure knowledge, but it comes about by having faith. The difference between having knowledge and having faith is in the state of being. One puts us in a neutral state while the other puts us in a directed position.
Everything works by faith or belief. Reason is itself a matter of faith. It is an act of faith to assert that our thoughts have any relation to reality at all. You cannot see the direct connection between your thoughts and reality, but you can the correspondence between the two. The perceived connection and the reason for it that is accepted is still a kind of faith. How do you know that what you see is not itself an illusion or a simulation? Therefore truth can never be seen directly because it is invisible and hidden.
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