Things in Life become What you Call them to Be
When you call something bad, you feel bad. Even if it was neutral, you begin to attract the things into your experience that is in vibrational harmony with it being bad. But when you call something good or you look for the gift in it, you feel better. You begin to attract the things into your experience that is in vibrational harmony with it being good. You find more things that relate to the gift that is in the situation and you will know that what you think of is true indeed.
There is a gift in every situation that you experience. The gift is the good in it. When you look for what’s good in anything, you will certainly find it. Nothing that exist is without good that you can obtain from it. God is good and God exist in all things, therefore good exist in all things. Even when a being creates something that is meant for evil, God is able to use it for good. When you see things the way God sees, you will see the inherent good in every situation and be able to make use of it.
Whenever you set an intention, the universe brings everything in alignment for the fulfillment of that intention. Sometimes the things that happen may seem negative and you wonder how you created them. But those things that seem negative were created by your intention to move you away from where you are, to where you truly desire to be. Therefore it is actually a good thing when you experience loss in certain areas of your life so they no longer hold you back from gaining in another area that is better.
By resisting what is happening and seeing it as bad when it is actually part of the process of moving you towards the fulfillment of your intention, you are sabotaging the work of the universe in your life. You are stopping the flow of events and causing it to have an adverse effect on you instead of the positive effect that it is supposed to. But when you open yourself to going along with whatever that happens, you get to see God bringing you to where you want to be without struggle or pain.
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