Shift World Consciousness With Your Own Growth
What is wonderful to know is that a small shift in you, in your level of consciousness, has a quantum effect in your world, and in the larger world. Therefore the true way to change the world is to change yourself. Focus on your own growth first and foremost of all and do not be too concerned about needing to help others grow. Everyone has their own path to take and their own choices to make. We do not have to make everybody the same level as us. By focusing on your own growth, you will alter mass world.
Many of you are living on the planet at this time because you have a desire to be of service and to offer help in the world. It is wonderful to know that as you help yourself increase your capacity to prosper, and as you learn to love and live in joy, you are making that contribution to others by your simple efforts to change and improve your life. As you raise your consciousness in your thinking, a simple shift in you resonates that shift to millions. Your shift in consciousness propagates across collective mentality.
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