IQ measures only three out of seven types of Intelligence
When we talk about intelligence, we tend to think about what system we can use to measure it. When we talk about how intelligent a person is, we may think about how high his/her IQ level is. IQ is the Intelligence Quotient of a person derived from the equation of mental age over chronological age. It is said that the higher a person’s cognitive capability is, in relation to his number of years lived, the more intelligent he is.
So we tend to think that people with higher IQ are more intelligent than people with lower IQ. Ok, but if you take a group of people with perfectly functioning brains and with normal psychological makeup, are the ones with higher IQ really always considered to be more intelligent than the rest?
Answer is yes and no.
If you take higher IQ as a simple definition that so and so is more intelligent than another. Then the answer is NO.
If you take higher IQ to mean that a person has certain higher cognitive capabilities than others then the answer is Yes.
You see, IQ does not measure all of a person’s intelligence. It only measures part of it. We all know that there are three faculties that an IQ test is testing a person in. There are seven types of intelligence and IQ measures only three of the seven.
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