Superior Men master their Women and World
The reason why the feminine puts up resistance towards the masculine is to see if he would persist. It is to test if his intention to love is stronger than her resistance. A woman is like the world. When you want to offer your gifts to the world, it may not readily accept and would instead resist to see if you are dedicated enough to pursue that which you believe in. The world will constantly test your capacity to give in the face of refusal. A woman knows that how you are towards her would be how you are towards the world. If you surrender at the slightest sign of resistance from her or give up halfway, she knows that you would also give up in offering your gifts to the world when you are met with resistance and difficulty.
If you faint in the face of adversity, your strength is weak. She wants to know if you are the kind of man who have what it takes to give her the happiness she deserves in this world. If she can’t trust you with living your life from your deepest truth and fullest capacity, she can’t trust you with her life. Both woman and world cannot be fooled, they know when you are just playing around. They want to receive you for real.
There is no difference between entering a woman’s feminine heart and entering the world fully. Both forms of intercourse require perception, spontaneity and a strong connection to deep truth in order to penetrate the chaos in a way that love prevails. To bloom woman and world takes authenticity, persistence and courage of heart. A man must know the truth at his core and be willing to give his gifts fully. No holding back. He must dedicate himself to penetrating woman and world with his true gifts. Persist through their resistance to penetrate through their fears and insecurities and open their heart to receive your everlasting love.
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