Single Mindedness of Intent is All Powerful
Single-mindedness is all powerful. You can connect to the source of all power by becoming mentally empty. When you connect to the source of all power, you can alter the pulls of fate. Fate is your probable life path that is established by related thoughts and beliefs about your reality. But when you become empty, you detach yourself from your thoughts and beliefs that created your fated reality. Therefore you are able to blaze a new trail of achievement and manifestation through the power of pure intent.
Samadhi is a state of one pointed concentration. It is a form of meditation where you are one pointed in thought. You get rid of all thoughts except one, which is whatever you wish to accomplish. We call this emptiness as the mind is mostly empty except for intent. When you can become single minded, you will be incredible at what you do. By setting priorities and concentrating single-mindedly, you can accomplish anything in life. Single-mindedness is the primary reason for high income and great wealth.
The will is the directive force of all reality creation. The will is focused intent. If you want to create anything, it is not enough to imagine. You must use the will. Using the will is simply a matter of focusing your intent. The difference between the champion runner and the one who comes in second place is not so much a matter of leg power. The one who has higher amount of willful intent will win the race even against physically stronger opponents. Therefore, the more intent you are, the more you will succeed.
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