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Wealth is Power to Purchase Freedom in Life

Posted by Noctis Enoch         Print This Post Print This Post

Power, freedom and wealth are one. Each one influences the other two. All power is internal. You become powerful by overcoming your self limiting beliefs and choosing to create space to pursue what you want. When you give yourself power to create freedom, then you are free to create wealth. The more wealth you attain, the more power you have to purchase freedom in life. Wealth gives you more options than not having wealth gives you. What we are seeking is not one but all three aspects for total living.

The ultimate aim of life is freedom. It is to live life as you please. You are able to play by your rules and not the rules of another. You are free from the system the masses are under because you have created your own system. It is the freedom to live the life you love and to do what you want. Freedom begins by setting yourself free. When you free yourself to follow your passion, you are already living as you please. As you become wealthy and successful in your passion, you have more freedom to continue.

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