Your Mind Power Controls Everything in Reality
Lack of control is an illusion. If you are the creator, all things are under your control. Some people say that control is an illusion but the opposite is the real truth. How can you not be in control when all things are under your control? Realize the aspect of yourself that is divine, your Godhood. God is in control of all things, and God is the Self of all, which is your Higher Self. You are the Higher Self. You create all of your reality. There is no aspect of your reality which you do not create. Therefore you control all.
You are not a victim. All power is within and is absolutely under your control. To say that things happen through another cause other than yourself is to say that you are a victim. Nothing happens outside of you. Everything is happening within you. You are Consciousness, and Consciousness encompasses All That Is. Whenever you feel not being in control, you are experiencing an illusion. You created the illusion of not being in control, of not being God. You are the director of the script and can control at will.
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