Change with the Times to Get Maximum Success
There are certain ways to achieve certain things. Every way depends on the time and circumstances that one is in. Success does not depend on blindly following ancient ways. Not only would such a procedure reveal a lack of maturity and wisdom, when you become excessively rigidified, necessary flexibility could be lost. Understand that the best way to achieve something is also in harmony with the times you are in. But when the times change, what is best before may not be best now, so change the way.
Change with the times to get maximum success. Humanity is always progressing. Circumstances change so that people can achieve more of something, in less time and with lesser effort required. New resources show up that weren’t available before to make this possible. People fail to make use of these new resources when they stick to the old way of doing things. Opportunity lost is equivalent with failure. The ones that capitalize on advancements do far better, and they get there a lot quicker than others.
Taking on new ways of doing things is to go with the flow and to follow the Tao. Even people teaching the Tao may not be following it in terms of their teaching style. The Tao is the principle of origin, creation and universal movement. Some people think that certain ways of doing things are best because they are according to the Tao. But those ways are according to the Tao only in the times that they emerged. New ways come from the Tao in a different time. To change the ways with time is the way of Tao.
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