Handwriting is Brainwriting
You can tell a person’s personality and character traits faster and more accurately by his handwriting than almost anything else. Certain strokes correspond to different characteristics. A person’s handwriting is more or less consistent with the way he/she is as a person.
The science of handwriting analysis is called Graphology.
Every thought, emotion and behavior of a person is a function of his/her mental programming. Your mental programming consists of the neurological patterns that run your brain. The principle that graphology is based upon is - Every neurological pattern has its corresponding neuro-muscular pattern.
Just like for every emotion, there is its related physiological signs. Heartbeat, breathing rate, muscle tension, energy level, posture, movement, body temperature, facial expression, voice tone, skin color… etc…
So to put it simply, you are what you write.
It doesn’t matter if a person writes with his left hand or write hand or even with their toes for those without hands. Handwriting is Brainwriting.
Change the way you write and you will change the way you are.
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