Have an Ever Increasing Mindset for Prosperity
The principle to increase in prosperity is to always be gathering. There is no reason why a person should ever stop. This does not mean that we should be miserly, trying to accumulate more and more to hold, but that our thought should so enlarge that it can not help gathering more and more, even though with the other hand, we are ever distributing that which we gather. Indeed, the only reason for having is that we may give out of that which we have. We’re here to be a conduit of abundance in expression.
No matter what big thing happens to us we should still be expecting more and more. Even when we think that we have at last arrived, right here let it be but a beginning for still greater things. No matter how large the picture that you hold in mind, make it larger. The reason why so many people come to the point where they stop is that they come to a point where they stop growing in their own minds. They come to a point where they can see no more, thinking that because they have done enough to continue.
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