Leaders Lead Others to See What No One Sees
The greatest advancements of mankind have been made at times when the whole world’s perception was shifted because of the insight of a single individual. It is the new way of seeing and understanding reality that helps us grow from where we are to where we are capable of being. But to change collective perception is not always an easy task. It is one of the most difficult things to continue believing in something when everyone else believes the opposite. Independence of vision is the challenge of all leaders.
Collective consciousness acts as a gravity that pulls all individual consciousness unto itself. The greatest force that keeps us from going anywhere is inertia. When there is change, there is risk of things changing for the worse. Since it is the nature of consciousness to preserve itself, change tends to be discouraged. Change is based on intention. For change to happen, there must be an act of the will, which is the ruling faculty of consciousness, to create change. Leaders must be willful to cause changes.
People tend to stick to the status quo, because that’s where they have certainty and control. To move beyond the current accepted reality is to move into the realm of the uncertainty. What is uncertain cannot be controlled. Consciousness needs control in order to ensure its own survival. Most people are afraid to give up control temporarily in order to gain greater control later because they are ignorant of their true power. That is why great spirits have often encountered violent opposition from mediocre minds.
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