Life Manifest by Varying Degrees of Intelligence
Life is manifested by varying degrees of intelligence. The more intelligent something is, the more life and freedom it has. Inanimate or mineral life represents the lower forms of intelligence while a higher degree of intelligence can be recognized in plant life. When you look at a flower, do you consider it beautiful? It is a greater expression of the infinite intelligence which is expressing itself as beauty, form, color and above all, joy. When more life is manifested, the more intelligence and joy there is.
In the animal kingdom, you can recognize a quality of life and intelligence that is greatly advanced than that manifested in the flower. When there is greater intelligence, there is greater range of mental, emotional and physical phenomena capable of being experienced by the life form. The highest expression of intelligence and life is human as it has the power of freewill and choice. The inanimate, plant, animal and human are expressions of the one universal life differing only in varying degrees of intelligence.
You express a very high degree of intelligence in desiring to understand the laws of life. When you discover some part of these laws, you’ll ascend the scale of intelligence as you make use of your knowledge. A person who perseveres through difficulties and emerges successful, manifests higher form of intelligence than the one who gives up and lives a miserable existence. Intelligence is present in all human beings but it can only increase by being used. A developed will is the tool for manifesting intelligence.
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