Guiding Your Thoughts Towards Manifestation
Always remember that wherever you are is perfect. You don’t have to feel that you need to be some place better in order to get to where you want to be. You are in the perfect position to get there from here. Nothing in your environment has to change in order for you to begin deliberately connecting to the stream of wellbeing. You could be facing bankruptcy, you could be in the middle of a divorce, or you could be in jail. But you are still in the perfect place to begin, and it does not require a great deal of time.
It only requires a simple understanding of universal laws, and a determination to move toward a state of allowing. When you drive your car from one place to another, you have an awareness of your starting place as well as an awareness of where you are going. You accept that in time you will arrive at your destination. You may feel anxious to get there and maybe even tired of the journey, but you do not get discouraged to the point that you turn around and go back, or drive back and forth until you quit driving.
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