Our Greatest Desire is to Be Conscious Creators
As you live your life on earth, you always incorporate an expectation. You know what to expect, you know your direction, and you know what you want. But the greater desire is to be aware and to be intentionally directing and creating what you want. In other words, your greatest desire in this physical realm of existence is not just to experience, but to be a conscious creator. Your greatest desire is to be enlightened. You wish to know who you really are and what you can do and how to go about doing it.
You can think of many, many, many expressions that you want, but in relation to any of them the desire to be intentionally creating and aware of creating is greater than any of the individual wants that you may want to create. You may want a job, you may want to engage a particular activity, you may want to create a relationship, or you may want to create money, which are all valid. But the greater want is to understand and know HOW to be directing yourself intentionally to create those WHEN you want.
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