There is No greater or Lesser Value Fulfillment
It is not necessary to express tremendous outward offerings or involvements to be generating your value fulfillment or to be offering a contribution for your mere manifestation is a contribution. You are not attempting to be creating alterations of your world but you manifest within this physical dimension merely to explore and to experience the exploration of self in a physical manifestation. That means you are free to do anything you desire. Your purpose is not to change the world but to explore it.
Each individual chooses their unique manner in which they shall explore their travels within this physical dimension. Every person chooses their own path. You are not here to help other people. You are simply here to go your own way and do your own thing. If in the process you do help others, then that’s great. If you don’t, then that is also great. We’re all godlike creators of our reality and to treat life as a place to help others is to see others as powerless. Live your life first and you will be an inspiration.
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