Using Aura for Psychic Power and Magical Work
You can use your aura for psychic power and magical work. Your aura is the energy field that surrounds you. The successful manifestation of any intention depends on your energy and subconscious mind. What is specifically your subconscious mind is your aura. The energy patterns that your aura contains are the programs of your subconscious mind. The strength and state of your aura will determine the strength of your attraction and the kind of events, people and things that you attract in your life.
Everyone’s aura is as unique as his or her own fingerprints. No two auras are alike. The aura can be used to protect, attract, influence, maim, or even kill. This field of bioelectricity surrounding living things can be programmed using the power of one’s mind. The wonder of using the aura is that it is a passive thing that operates on its own to influence your reality at all times. But you can also actively use it at times to affect your environment and the things in it in real time. Learn how to use your aura power.
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