Feeling Prosperous to Increase Your Prosperity
You don’t have to be prosperous in order to attract prosperity. What you do need however is to feel prosperous in order to attract it. Your feeling is the energy that attracts like energy. It doesn’t matter how rich or poor you are. Your feeling will determine whether you become poorer or richer. It is always important to maintain a state of feeling prosperous. The way to do it is to deliberately perceive yourself in a prosperous manner and to feel prosperous. Shift your focus to the elements of prosperity continuously.
Prosperity is your divine state of being, and when you are your divine self, you would feel prosperous. We are here to reign in life as kings. Who would ever imagine a king being poverty-stricken? The idea of poverty just doesn’t go along with kings. See yourself as a king. You have a right to rule the kingdom of the world. You are the ruler of the cosmos. We are made to be gods over the earth. You are the image of The Creator and were instructed to have dominion in this realm. Live your true state of kingship.
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